A disastrous first date in Groningen (with a very happy ending)
A first date where you end up with the twin brother of your date is already quite crazy. But imagine you also puke all over his bed later that night? That is a perfect reason never to meet again. Well, for Robin and Chiara the disastrous first date actually turned out to be the start of something beautiful.
Robin, a Dutch Business Administration student, remembers the first time he met Chiara very well. ‘My twin brother organized a Halloween theme party at his place. I didn’t have any intention to even come. I was still recovering from a party the day before, but then he called me and said something like: “Robin, Robin! You have to come to the party. I fixed some random dates and it would be a shame if you wouldn’t come. Oh and by the way, one is already here and I just had a drink with her, so move your ass to my house.’’ So a couple of minutes later, I arrived at the party and met this beautiful Italian lady. I didn’t even talk to her that much in the first hours, because I was just enjoying the party and she was talking to others as well. But later in the night I talked a bit more to her and one thing led to another…’
Unfortunately, I threw up on his bed and all around it that night
“Fun story!” starts Chiara’s version of how they met. She is a first year International Business student from Italy. ‘I matched a guy on Tinder and decided to join a Halloween party at his place last October. Everything was fine, I was just drinking with him and a few other Dutch friends of his. And then his twin brother arrived at the party as well. I just started flirting with him and another Dutch-Italian guy as well. And many drinks later I just ended up sitting next to Robin, the twin brother of my first Tinder match. I was really drunk, and later that night he invited me to his place. Needless to say that we had a lot of fun, but unfortunately, I threw up on his bed and all around it that night. I left his place the next morning, super embarassed, thinking I’d never see him again in my life.’
What did Robin like about her that he even forgave her for throwing up in his bed? ‘At the party, she looked really beautiful and hot. She also had the most cute Italian-English accent I ever heard. These were the very first things I found attractive in her.’
I liked that he was translating jokes and conversations for me, to not make me feel like an outsider at that party
‘I didn’t really pay that much attention to details at that party.’ adds Chiara. ‘I had too many drinks. But I thought he looked really, really good. And I especially liked the fact that he was translating jokes and conversations for me, to not make me feel like an outsider at that party. I was the only international, all the others were Dutch. I really appreciated that. Also, he seemed really funny and he had an amazing smile.’
Why did he decide to meet her a second time? ‘Not the most romantic or cute answer maybe, but I just texted her for another hook-up, haha!’
‘To be honest, I had no intention to meet him again,’ says Chiara. ‘But a few days later, he reached back to me and asked to go to his place again, and I was just bored at home so I decided to give it a chance. Why not, I thought.’
Not the most romantic or cute answer maybe, but I just texted her for another hook-up
And so it slowly turned into something more lasting and romantic in time. Robin has some good memories of times they spend together. ‘Once we went on a weekend away together with some friends in Friesland. We rented a house and really had a lot of fun together. Or also the time I visited her in Italy and met her family, friends and visited Venice and some local cities. She had to leave for her home country for a month. I was really missing her, so I just decided to buy a plane ticket and meet her. It was just remarkable.’
‘For me it’s hard to think of one memory, cause there are so many,’ says Chiara. ‘However, I enjoy little things more than great gestures or anything. So I’d say that time when we went to Assen by bike, a few days before me leaving for my home country. We had a walk with his dog around a really beautiful lake, and we sat on a bench there. We kept on talking, and looking into each other’s eyes for quite some time. Then we kissed and listened to music. This is one of my favorite memories of the two of us. Still, I’d be able to find a good memory with him for every day we spend together. Every little thing he does, a kiss, or a caress or a hug, are just the moments in which I feel so happy and somehow I can never get enough of it.’